My Daily Feel Good Goals Tracker with Printable

Has your habit tracking gone off track? Do your goals seem like obligations and things that make you groan? Has the fire you had when you first set up your goal tracking system become nothing more than embers and smoke? Well, do not despair! This happened to me earlier this year and by adding a little fun to my agenda, I was back on track, fires blazing! If you think a little fun and creativity is just what you need, keep reading to hear the details and to get a free printable to help you spice things up! 

My Daily Feel Good Goals Tracker - Authentic in My Skin -

I started this year with a very large list of goals. Half of these goals were just daily habits I wanted to implement, like recording my health status, writing morning pages, and drinking eight glasses of water each day. I combined goals and habits using Level 10 Life and my LifeScore assessment, created a basic habit tracker, and even a timeline to use in my planner.

My Daily Feel Good Goals Tracker with Printable - Overdoing it - Authentic in My Skin -

In spite of my health I have managed to do well, but before you think I'm Superwoman (or still on steroids), I did come to realize pretty early on that I had to scale it way down. I have such a hard time accepting my limitations (can I get an "Amen"). As I mentioned in a previous post, I've never been a good example for time management and now - energy management. A couple of months into the year, my mentor was once again telling me, "Two things."

"A day?"

"Yes, two things a day."

I went home wondering how in the world anyone can get anything accomplished on two things a day and I started revising all my goals and daily habits. Things that started the year as daily items changed to a couple times a week and things that were weekly changed into monthly. I don't know, but I think there might be something to that, you know? Two things just came to mind:

First Thing

Instead of giving up on your goals because you are "missing the mark," you should instead look at your goals and revise them to be more accurate for your present reality. 

I think there's a difference between being lazy and being unrealistic. Who doesn't start a fresh year or a new program with gusto and tons of hope and plans that look really good on paper? Goals that make us feel good! Goals that get us excited again for our routine lives because we can see the routine ending and new things on the horizon! We don't plan to do the same things; we plan to do more! I think in our motivation and gusto, we quite possibly, just might, totally could set some unrealistic goals (I have some experience in this...).

My motto all year has been: Even if I only spend 5 minutes a day working towards my goals, that's still further along than I was.

My Daily Feel Good Goals - 5 Minutes A Day - Authentic in My Skin -

Please feel free to adopt this motto and do what it says! It has kept me going despite this year's many setbacks.

If you set a goal to exercise more, but you struggle to find the time and energy, run up and down your stairs for five minutes. Stairs make for a serious workout. If you've set a goal to journal, but have been too busy to even think straight, write for five minutes. Or just make a bullet list of random thoughts (for five minutes, of course). And stop beating yourself up! Yes, you. Stop. You might need to add in five minutes of saying nice things about yourself ... without being sarcastic! 😀 And if you are sick, if you are tired, if you are so overwhelmed by responsibilities that you can't remember your name, work on YOU and YOUR DREAMS for 5 little minutes. It's further along than you were.

Second Thing

All work and no play makes everybody unhappy! For real.

I still don't put only two things a day in my planner. I have a master list with everything on it. I pull from that whatever needs accomplished and add them on my weekly page. From the weekly page, I pull tasks and fill up my daily pages. I do this even though I haven't had a single day yet that I got everything accomplished. I do this even though there have been quite a few days that I didn't put anything anywhere because I couldn't get out of bed and while it frustrates me, I don't take it out on myself with wicked name-calling and negative speak, capisce? The entire point is that I'm trying - to the best of my ability.

I gotta say, though, I wasn't having any fun. No feel good fuzzies and that felt wrong. So I created My Daily Goals Tracker with nothing but fun goals!

Daily Feel Good Goals Tracker with Printable - Authentic in My Skin -

I made three sections divided by color. The first section is for my Feel Good Goals. These are the goals that feed my soul (or are just necessary, like brushing my teeth). These are the daily habits that keep me going, keep me striving, keep me from giving up. 

My Feel Good Goals

  • Prayer - Of course prayer is listed and listed first. I can't survive without my Jesus. 💜
  • Scripture Writing or Study - On bad brain fog days, when my cognitive abilities are compromised, I'm not able to study the Word, but I feel like I'm still fighting the fight when I write Scripture out in the pretty journal my sis gave me. 
  • Brush Teeth - Okay, brushing my teeth doesn't really feed my soul, but it does make me feel good and sometimes, I just need to remind myself! 
  • 5 minutes - Exercise - Exercise is such a challenge for me. These five minutes may not seem like much, but for me, it is a great accomplishment. Walking up the hill to my neighbor's house or five minutes of some PT exercises usually lands me in bed. 
  • 10 Minutes - Read Books - I normally read about 45 books a year, but this year, I haven't even read ten. With everything I've had going on with health and life, this reminds me to sneak a few paragraphs in.
  • Daily Planning - With my addled brain, having a daily plan keeps me from looking at my desk with a blank stare (or keeps me from surfing the web when I shouldn't be) and it helps me to stay on track. I'm not perfect with daily planning and I'm inconsistent in that sometimes I plan my day in the morning, sometimes the night before, and sometimes not at all if fibro is wrecking havoc.

The next section is for Extra Goals. I have this filled with play therapy and organizational stuff I love to do. The extra goals are all about self-care and nurturing my creativity. And having fun, of course! If any of these get checked off, well, it's like a daily bonus!

My Extra Daily Feel Good Goals - Authentic in My Skin -

My Extra Goals

  • Prayer Writing - Similar to Scripture writing, I have a journal to write my favorite prayers in (have you noticed yet that I'm a little obsessed with journals?) and prayers I come across while reading that really move me.
  • Read Favorite Blogs - There are so many wonderful blogs that I wish I could read consistently, sigh. I'm convinced Heaven will be loaded with all the books and magazines and blogs that I didn't get the chance to read while here. Don't you agree? 😉
  • Zentangle - Oh, how I love this form of art therapy! Look, I can barely draw a stick figure, but you need no artistic ability because Zentangle is drawing patterns and shapes using lines, squares, dots... And the millions of patterns all come with step-by-step instruction boxes.
  • Art Journaling - Much like coloring, art journaling (aka visual journaling) relieves a lot of stress, physical and mental, but art journaling does more. Because it is a form of journaling, it helps you to process traumatic experiences and recover from them
  • Binders - I'm as bad with binders as I am with journals and I'm constantly updating and revising them. My big, big binder project right now is my prayer binder. I can't wait to finish it and blog about it. I have a binder for my house and finances, a binder for my blog, a binder for Zentangle patterns, and several more. I just really like being organized. 💜

The last section is a write-in section and I use it for client projects or anything urgent that might pop up throughout the day.

In all, I use My Daily Feel Good Goals Tracker in conjunction with my daily planning page. My daily planning page is where all those mundane and boring things (that ADD hates) are planned. You know, call the doctor, fill out the disability papers, balance your accounts. 😝

Of course, I always try to keep in mind Ecclesiastes 3:12-13:

I know that there is nothing better for them than to rejoice and to do good in one’s lifetime; moreover, that every man who eats and drinks sees good in all his labor—it is the gift of God.

Creating this tracking sheet has reminded me (and allowed me) to play just a bit and to tap into my creativity. God is the most creative Being there ever was and we are created in His image. I believe we meet our Maker in a new way when we schedule time in our chaotic lives to create and explore our artistic side.

As a side note: Being creative doesn't necessarily mean being artistic. Perhaps cooking for your family and friends is where your imagination takes off. Using God-given and colorful fruits and vegetables combined with just the right herbs and spices for the perfect flavor combination... I just made myself hungry! For another, keeping the home clean and organized may be creative. Creating new systems at home or at work, or writing, dancing, finding a new way to teach an "unteachable" child and seeing his/her eyes light up with understanding for the first time.

If you think you are not creative, I think you just need to pay closer attention to the things you do. You will find your creativity. The key, however, is to do. That's where the fun comes in!

Whether you know your creative or not, this daily goals tracker can help you have a little more fun. It's good for your health so just click the links below for your free printable(s)! I have three PDF options for you to download:

My Daily Feel Good Goals Tracker - with color and headings

My Daily Feel Good Goals Tracker - with color and no headings

My Daily Feel Good Goals Tracker - no color and no headings - you can use this for many things!

My Daily Feel Good Goals Tracker - Authentic in My Skin -


  1. These are just the tools I need! Thank you Kathy! You are such an inspiration! Much love and prayers for you.❤��
