Free Online Health Summits: Empowering You to Take Control of Your Health

This post will continue to be updated as new summits are available so bookmark this page so you can stay informed! Last update: August 21, 2017

I have been learning so much about healing ourselves with food and herbs and the natural things of this earth. I can't get enough of the free online health summits that are going on every week. I feel hopeful that I don't have to be sick and hurting for the rest of my life. I feel empowered to say, "Enough is enough!" And I feel grateful for the hundreds of people behind these health summits and I hope by sharing them, you'll feel hopeful and empowered, too.

Free Online Health Summits - Empowering You to Take Control of Your Health - Authentic in My Skin -

So what are these health summits, you ask? They are interviews with experts in the field of functional medicine and nutrition, people who want to share their knowledge, what they have learned through not only their degrees and academics and patients, but what they learned in their own health journeys. Dr. Mark Hyman, for instance, was a practicing medical doctor when he became so sick with chronic pain, fatigue, digestive problems, and other ailments and his peers could not help him. He was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and the like and took his health in his own hands to heal himself. What he learned about the healing power of foods has made him one of the most sought after functional medicine doctors in the world. The Cleveland Clinic hired him to run their new Center for Functional Medicine, "the first academic medical center in the United States to embrace functional medicine."

Here are a list of the summits I've watched (click the titles or images for further information):

The Thyroid Secret

The Thyroid Secret - Authentic in My Skin -

Have you struggled with your health and the doctor's can't figure out what's wrong? You might have a thyroid autoimmune disease. Read my quick review of The Thyroid Secret here.

The Sweet Freedom Summit

Sweet Freedom Summit - Break Sugar Addiction - Authentic in My Skin -

Sugar is more addicting than cocaine and may be the reason you are overweight, fatigued, depressed, and just plain sick. And sugar is in everything - even foods marketed as healthy. Learn the strategy to end your sugar addiction for good! Interviews conducted by the beautiful Sherry Strong, Return to Food CEO and Founder. PS. This summit was amazing! It is tied with The Food Revolution (read further for that info) for first place on my list of best summits. 

The Global Stress Summit 

We're all overwhelmed and burned out, but did you know stress can be healthy for you? This summit gives you the knowledge and resources to adapt to challenges in an effective way. Interviews conducted by the very talented Dr. Heidi Hanna, Executive Director of the American Institute of Stress

The Food Revolution 

The Food Revolution - Authentic in My Skin -

"Millions of people are sick or dying from diseases that we know how to prevent and that are caused by crappy food — while a few unscrupulous food companies are making billions of dollars marketing the worst foods to children." 

Interviews conducted by John Robbins, the only son of the founder of the Baskin-Robbins ice-cream empire - he chose to walk away from it and pursue a healthy society. His son, Ocean, is his business partner. As I stated above, this is tied with The Sweet Freedom Summit for first place on my list of favorite summits because it was just phenomenal!

Microbiome Medicine 2 Summit 

 Microbiome Medicine Summit 2 - Authentic in My Skin -
"Microbiome" is the new word in health. So what is microbiome? Your greatest ally. The control center of your health. Or better yet, click here. To be honest, I'm looking forward to learning more about it so won't you join me? Interviews to be conducted by Dr. Raphael Kellman, author of The Microbiome Diet

Update: Originally written before the summit began, I later found this summit to be way over my head with scientific medical speak. I think my eyes (and brain) glazed over a lot while trying to learn from the experts, which means I didn't learn as much as I have with other summits. As I am a not a medical doctor or expert (as stated in my disclaimer) it was tough to swallow and very dry. Science geeks and medical people, however, would probably enjoy this. 

That Vitamin Summit 2!!! 

That Vitamin Summit 2 - Authentic in My Skin -

Yes, I'm super excited about this summit that starts on May 18, 2017! Everything you've ever wanted to know (and need to know) about vitamins and supplements. Even as a Certified Nutrition Specialist, I struggled with these so I'll be waiting... Interviews conducted by Andrew Saul whose website is "the largest, non-commercial, natural health resource on the internet."

Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2

Chronic Lyme Disease Summit 2 - Authentic in My Skin -

Did you know, over 150 symptoms could point to Lyme disease and 300,000+ people per year contract Lyme. It’s a present-day epidemic that’s terribly difficult to diagnose, but this summit has many interviews covering expert protocols that could radically improve the life of someone with Lyme. Hosted by Dr. Jay Davidson.

Chronic Headache and Migraine Summit

Chronic Headache Migraine Summit, Authentic in My Skin -
Headache solutions often only address the symptoms, not the cause. This summit gathers world-renowned clinicians and researchers to help you look more deeply at the root causes of your headache (and migraine) pain. Hosted by Marta Taylor, Erin Knight, and Dr. Corey Schuler.

Immune Defense Summit

Immune Defense Summit - Authentic in My Skin -

Learn about the best protocols to prevent illness and defeat diseases like autoimmune disorders, cancer, heart disease and the looming threat of "superbugs," which are on pace to be MORE deadly than any other health condition. It’s time to give your immune system what it needs to protect your health and these experts can help you. Hosted by Jonathan Landsman, host also of Natural Health 365.

The following summits are playing soon so make sure you register:

Interpreting Your Genetics

These experts teach you best practices for using genetic/genomic information to alter your lifestyle, guide treatment and create better health! Learn about your predisposition for diseases and how to minimize manifestation, genetic health traits your children are likely to inherit, whether your medications and supplements are right for you, how to unlock previously unsolved health challenges and more. Hosted by James Maskell of Evolution of Medicine.
August 21, 2017 — August 28, 2017

GMOs Revealed

GMOs Revealed - Authentic in My Skin -
What are we not being told? GMOs ARE POISON. People and animals that eat genetically modified food crops are consuming high levels of toxic glyphosate herbicide. There is an unholy marriage of toxic glyphosate herbicide and foods genetically engineered to tolerate large doses of it. It’s silently poisoning our land, food, and us!
August 22, 2017 - August 31, 2017

Mental Wellness Summit 2

Mental Wellness Summit 2 - Authentic in My Skin -
It's time we talk about mental health and luckily, it's becoming more and more a necessary conversation instead of the "hush, hush" stigma of days long gone. In this summit, you'll learn effective forms of integrative, holistic care that tap into the natural beauty and strength of your mind, body and spirit. Hosted by Dr. John DempsterRoss McKenzie, and Jonas Koffler.
September 25, 2017 — October 2, 2017

Arthritis Summit

Arthritis Summit - Authentic in My Skin -

Information Coming Soon - Summit Dates: October 9, 2017 — October 16, 2017

The Truth About Cancer
The Truth About Cancer - Authentic in My Skin -
You’ll discover the most effective ways to prevent and beat cancer — from 131 of the world’s top experts — that you won’t hear about elsewhere. While this summit already aired earlier this year, there will be a special three day live event airing in October so stay tuned!

Even though some of these summits have already aired, you can still register for them (to watch a couple of the expert interviews) and can also purchase them with all interviews, transcripts, and a plethora of bonus gifts from the experts (such as ebooks, health courses, mp3s). 

Empower yourself to take back control of your body and your life!
K.Rae - Authentic in My Skin -


  1. Thanks for sharing this resource! I will check it out. I have found that changing my diet has helped my health so much (eating less dairy and sugar). I really appreciate resources such as these :-)

    1. I'm so glad they'll be useful for you! I have learned a great deal from them and have also eliminated wheat, most dairy, and most sugar. I have found for myself that it was a lot easier to change my diet when I learned how damaging a lot of the foods I was eating were to my body. After watching the Sweet Freedom summit, it was like a switch went off inside me and foods I know were a crutch for me (because sugar is more addicting than cocaine), like ice-cream which would often be my breakfast or dinner, I no longer craved them. It was empowering and I think everyone should be able to know the truth of what they are eating and what it is doing to their health, something the medical community doesn't assign much credit to.
      Thank you for commenting!!
